Social Dominance

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training

Sean Parker, a managing partner at Founder’s Fund, gave an interesting talk today at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. The key to it is simple: Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and eBay will dominate the web going forward. One company of note that won’t? Google.

Why? Parker believes we’re shifting from the first phase of the Internet, which was dominated by what he calls “information services” These are companies like Google and Yahoo. But next up to dominate the web will be the “network services” like Facebook and Twitter, he believes.

Though this bold statement by Sean Parker, taken from a TechCrunch article, is somewhat tainted by the fact that he helped to found Facebook, anyone who uses the Internet on a regular basis can see the rising dominance of social media and networking services. Parker’s words reinforce a point we often make here – in order to properly perform crisis management you need to keep a finger on the pulse of your peers, critics and target audience, and in this day and age that means establishing a social media presence.

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