Preparation is Key

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

It can’t be said enough, thorough preparation is the key to successful crisis response. A reporter from Pacific Business News recently spoke to members of several crisis communications firms to prove this point using real world examples, including navigating clients through last year’s terrorist attack in Mumbai. From the article:

The tragedy brought to the forefront two messages that constantly are repeated by Hawaii’s public relations experts: be prepared for worst-case scenarios and stay calm during emergencies. PR professionals act as conduits between the community, media and their clients, and decisions often are made before crises occur.

“It’s all about preparation,” said Neal Yokota, the firm’s president and CEO. “The best response to the crisis is done well in advance of the crisis occurring. Our ability to work through a crisis also depends on our ability to stay calm and not panic.”

As Yokota says, the best way to overcome panic and remain focused is to have a plan before a crisis ever occurs. Although there are always unknown variables, taking this precaution will make your crisis management infinitely more effective.


Jonathan Bernstein