Why Small Businesses Should Take Security Seriously

Erik Bernstein cybersecurity 2 Comments

[Editor’s note: Thank you to technology consultant Rick Delgado for contributing this guest post!] Cyber-security crises have been making headlines for a while now. Most if not all of the virtual-heists we hear of have had to do with large corporation whose millions of customers have been affected by the …

Guest Post: Weasel Words Scream Insincerity

Erik Bernstein crisis management Leave a Comment

[Editor’s note: The following guest blog came to us from David Kalson, Partner, Beacon Advisors in reaction to our Feb. 28 newsletter “PwC Steps into La La Land”. If you have thoughts on crisis management and would like to share reach out to [email protected].] In his Feb. 28th newsletter, Jonathan Bernstein pointed out …

7 Cybersecurity Lessons the Healthcare Industry had to Learn the Hard Way

Erik Bernstein cybersecurity 1 Comment

[Editor’s note: Today’s guest post comes to us courtesy of business technology consultant Rick Delgado. Thanks Rick! If you have something to say on the topic of crisis or reputation management it could wind up right here on the BCM blog. Email [email protected] for more information.] 7 Cybersecurity Lessons the Healthcare Industry …

Twitter Moves to Stop Cyberbullying

Erik Bernstein cyberbullying 5 Comments

A promising sign, but is it enough? In late January, Twitter VP of Engineering Ed Ho put out a number of posts addressing the blue bird’s renewed focus on user safety. Though we typically take these types of announcements with a rather large grain of salt, less than one month …